divendres, 24 de maig del 2013

I went with my family to do the Camino de Santiago

With the way we started and we found uana fit for mountain and we will give delicacy.

we stopped for lunch at a bar and I Daman Vocati loin and we follow the journey.

Baig we get to the hotel and I sleep tion was tired of it.

dilluns, 22 d’abril del 2013

I like them.
Ask me why.
Because they are loving.
Because they  give Canaries.
Because they  you have to take care
Because they I like,
Because they I like to see how they wash, ect
Because they 
Because they 
Because they 
Because. That's why
I like Canaris

dimarts, 16 d’abril del 2013

Dog sets extreme sports record

Part-Ex, extreme sports dog

John-Paul Eatock is a person of a dog, it takes with it all Excursions
Part-Ex is a dog always follows a John- Paul Eatock.

John-Paul Eatock
John-Paul Eatock

Part-Ex, doggy paddle